DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. informs the users of its website www.dragons-group.com through this Privacy policy about the treatment and protection of the personal data that may be collected through their navigation or contracting of services that they carry out in this portal. The use of this website by the user implies the acceptance by him of this Privacy Policy.

DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. adopts the necessary measures to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of data as set out in Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27 of 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement thereof, and in that not foreseen by it, by Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law on Data Protection, and Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

By means of the registration forms of this website or the sending of email, personal data of each user that are necessary for the management and maintenance of some of the services provided and whose treatment is governed by this Privacy Policy are collected and processed.


DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L., as responsible for the treatment, undertakes to store and manage the personal data and information collected through this website with due confidentiality as long as the professional relationship that has arisen is maintained and the interested party does not request its deletion, and where appropriate, for a period not exceeding 5 years, counting from the end of the commercial relationship established between the user and DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. However, the person responsible for the treatment may keep, duly blocked, the data to meet possible administration or jurisdictional responsibilities.

The operations, procedures and technical procedures, whether carried out in an automated or non-automated way, that enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered the processing of personal data.
In DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. treat the personal data that the user provides us through www.dragons-group.com in order to include them in the contact list, manage the requested commercial relationship and thus use this information as a means of contact of said company. In addition, the processing of this collected data also implies managing the sending of the information that is requested from us and being able to respond to the queries or questions that the user sends through the website, facilitating in turn to the interested parties the offers of services that are of interest to them.
The fields of the records must be completed so that DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. can fulfill the purposes mentioned above.
The user can object to the sending of commercial communications at any time by sending an email message to the address indicated above lines.

By accepting these conditions, you consent to DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. processing your data to contact you and provide you with the information you have requested through our website and to periodically send you information about our products and services.
In the event that the interested party does not provide the aforementioned data or these are erroneous or inaccurate, we will not be able to meet your request, making it impossible to provide the requested information or carry out the contracting of the services. Therefore, the person responsible for the treatment, DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L., will be exonerated from any responsibility that may arise from the non-execution of the professional order or from the consequences derived from this inaccurate or erroneous information.

In general DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. will not communicate this personal data to third parties, with the exception that the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a data processor and this is strictly necessary to manage and maintain the relationship between the user and the aforementioned company, with the prior express authorization of the user. This will be done only during the time necessary to enable the execution of the contract of order, and under the same conditions and with the same responsibility that are required of the person in charge. Once the order has been completed, the data processor will return the personal data to the Data Controller and delete any copies available to him.

The user may exercise at any time, in the terms established in current legislation, the rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, request that the treatment be limited, oppose it, request the portability of their data, as well as revoke the consent given, rights recognized in the aforementioned Regulation (EU). The exercise of these rights can be done by the user himself by contacting DRAGONS GROUP 2017, S. L. at the address of its registered office indicated above; by sending an email to the following address techadmin@dragons-group.com or to the postal address C/ Sant Marius 14, Barcelona (08022).
For the effective exercise of these rights, the user must prove their identity by providing their name and surname, photocopy of the DNI or equivalent identification document that proves their identity, request in which the request is specified, address for the purposes of notifications, and date and signature of the applicant.
Likewise, the user may complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (Authority in this matter), especially when he has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of his rights.

We take our commitment to ethical and integrity standards seriously. We believe that maintaining a culture of transparency and accountability is essential. If you ever come across any activity that raises suspicions or goes against our ethical principles, we encourage you to come forward and share your concerns with us. Please, click here.